Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Hell of Technology

We have to really examine this. Does technology cause more harm than good? Do guns cause more harm than good? Do cars cause more harm than good? My answer – as you may have guessed is – “yes”. Technology’s toll on human life - its ability  to create and increase emotional angst, air pollution, sedentary-related disease and so much more - is related to all this. I still claim 9/11 would not have happened without computers.


IT Terror : No why , no how, no help!

Within the last 2 days, my life has been shortened because of  computer technology. My card would not work to book my jungle/snorkeling trip to Costa Rica in January. I tried 7 times, and  the marvelous Costa Rica company  was on the phone telling me (after 2 months of designing my custom-made itinerary) that hotels can’t be held over for each site. I was not able to book my expedition or the flight because of that bloody credit card not going through!   I kept pressing the Book Now icon, but it was telling me it could not be processed. Poppy cock! Finally, after the 8th attempt it worked. But I had to keep going back and re-entering my dates, and I missed the earlier flight that I wanted. Too much time had gone by.
There it was; there it wasn’t!


I also had my sending from Gmail cut off just like that two days later after the booking fiasco. No reason given, and the credit card office was closed on Sunday. On Monday, I was asking anyone on the street to help me get it back. Talking to Google Playschool about it, even read every article I could on suspension and reasons. I was literally pulling my hair out. Just chuck the dam machine!

Ok, I know that technology can cause super anxiety for me when things go wrong, but because it owns us, because jobs, relationships, money, everything, your identity, confidence, mood,  self-worth, serious instructions, letters etc are so embedded into this impersonal way of life, I just do not agree with it.
 How about you?

 I find most people do not even know how to look you in the eye today, but their cell phone – ohh, they clutch it in their hand as if it were a tiny piece of gold.

 Do you find that kids today have an attention span of zero? Is your kid going to have confidence without holding technology in front of his/her eyes. Did you know schools no longer teach script (writing)?

 The brain lives inside us. It is flexible, but it must work with us for us without all kinds of bells and whistles to replace it. 

Well, maybe one day, we will turn into a piece of metal, and actually forget how to open our mouth to eat! If you can answer this question without using any form of technology, you are a winner: 9 X 7 + 8 =?
 If you can, you're in the minority.


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